"My heart is so full of love!!"

The Hopeless Romantic

"Oh! Oh! I have alot of those!! Yes yes!! Ratkit!! Demon baby!! Hairball!! Filth licker!! Slops!! Get away from me!! I can go on and on!!"
[ Rosekit ]
Gender + Pronouns
"What's that?"
[ Intersex + They/them ]
[ Unlabed ]
Clan + Rank
"Blunderclan!! What's a rank?"
[ Thunderclan kit ]
[ A short furred kit with dark ginger specks that decorate their back, along with dark ginger ears, tail and marking that represents a mask on their face. Cherrykit seems to also have a small maple leaf spot on their left shoulder; Cherrykit holds the deepest blue eyes. ]


+ Adventurous, Courageous, Empathetic +
= Optimistic, Carefree, Talkative =
- Compulsive, Gullible, Self-indulgent -

Rosekit is a Thunderclan Kit with an adventurous spirit and an optimistic outlook on life. Rosekit is always ready for a new adventure and has a fearless approach to life. Rosekit is compassionate towards others and always attempts to see the best in everyone. Rosekit is outgoing and is always quick to start a conversation, but they can sometimes be too impulsive and compulsive, diving headfirst into situations without fully considering the consequences. Rosekit can also be gullible and self-indulgent at times, leading them into trouble.


• Positive •
Mapleface | Mother | Alive
" Mama!! Mama!! She's soo nice!! I loves hers so much!!
Redkit | Sister/Littermate | Alive
"Sissy!! I loves to plays with her!! I'm gonna go see if sissy wants to plays!!"
Cracklepaw | Maternal Uncle | Alive
"Uncle Crackles!! He's the one who gaves me all my names!! Except Rosekit.. Mama nameded me that!!"

• Neutral •
Applekit | Sister/Littermate | Missing
"I hope shes okays.. I think mama misses hers.."
Alderkit | Sister/Littermate | Missing
"Shes gone too! Yes yes! Maybe Applekit and Alder will comes back and Mama won't have to miss thems!"

• Negative •


- Rosekits voice claim is Marie from the Aristocats.- If Rosekit were a human they would love the y2k fashion along with the lovecore aesthetic.- Rosekit doesn't know personal space.- Rosekit might have ADHD.